Markets Crack, As Predicted: Did Shemitah Come Early This Year?

We told you so.

On July 14th we released our viral video, “SHEMITAH EXPOSED: Financial Crisis Planned For September 2015.” Via various channels it has views in the millions and has been the talk of the internet.

Shemita Exposed

At the time of release there were a lot of naysayers. Since then we’ve been joined in our analysis by some of the most respected names in the industry. Perhaps they saw our initial forecast and decided we were correct. For a while we stood alone, assaulted by the cynics and professional optimists. Not anymore. The johnny-come-latelys don’t mention us, of course. But we set the pace.

What’s been going on? Begin with an unexpected and strange NYSE exchange shut-down, then add exceptional volatility worldwide and an unprecedented Chinese market collapse with a knock-off effect on at least 20 other major stock markets worldwide. Markets collapsed in Singapore, South Korea, Brazil, Malaysia and Taiwan.

This week the US stock markets finally cracked, as we had predicted.

The Dow Jones fell 358 points on Thursday and followed up with a 530 point drop today.  The Nasdaq fell even harder in percentage terms and now the S&P, Dow and Nasdaq are in the red for 2015.  The selloff wiped out some $1.3 trillion in U.S. market value since Tuesday morning, according to a calculation by Yahoo Finance using the Dow Jones U.S. Total Market Index. The  world’s wealthiest people reportedly lost a total of some $180 billion in just a few hours.

Interestingly, the Dow was down nearly 7% this week – the number 7 seems to keep coming up.  This is a massive amount in just a few days and has people across the internet panicking. Those who watched our video are surely asking, “Did Shemitah come early this year?”

Probably it did.

I warned people in mid-July that something big was going to happen: a massive market sell-off, a declaration of war, etc. And now, just a little earlier than expected, we’ve seen a market crash develop. If you listened to me, you’d have trimmed your exposure. Perhaps you’d be out completely.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you – and definitively so. Now markets have sold off – and there is more to come. It’s not a matter of “if” but “when.” This is why people read TDV – and take us seriously. It’s why millionaires and even billionaires subscribe. I have the courage of my convictions. I’m not afraid to take a stand. And usually – as we were this time – we’re first. And often we’re right.

We were right about bitcoin when we suggested a buy at US$3.00. Bitcoin later traveled up to around US$1,000, making some of our subscribers millionaires. Months into that run other analysts finally joined us.  Many still don’t get it.  But we were first.

And here we are again.  We predicted this collapse in mid-July. And for a period of time we stood on our own. Finally others began to join us and now there’s an avalanche of predictions for a fall crisis. Here are just a few:

  • John Hussman, a very well respected analyst who called the last two major stock market collapses stated that “Stocks show 4 signs of major decline ahead” – July 27
  • Noted short seller Bill Fleckenstein, who correctly predicted the financial crisis in 2007, says he is one step closer to opening up a short-focused fund for the first time since 2009. In the meantime, Fleckenstein says the entire market could be heading for calamity in the coming months. July 27
  • Richard Russell of the highly respected Dow Theory Letters said the following, ““I expect a brief period of higher prices which will draw in the amateurish retail public. This brief breather will be followed by an historic bear market that will tear apart the current economic system. It will eliminate the Federal Reserve and result in a new workable economic system based on the old standards. The new system will eliminate fiat money while silver and gold will recapture the basis of tangible money.” – August 5
  • David Stockman, who was the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1981–1985) under President Ronald Reagan said we are in a “debt supernova” and proclaimed that “it’s pretty obvious that the top is in,” and continued, “The US, is heading into what is clearly going to be an epochal deflation to the likes of what we have never experienced in modern time.” – August 7
  • Gerald Celente, often called “the top trends forecaster in the world” is now predicting a global stock market crash and a worldwide panic by the end of the year. – August 7

There are many, many more all saying the same thing now. Perhaps you are aware of some of them yourself. The thing is … it’s already happened. Sure it could get worse and over time it probably will.

But yesterday the market cracked. Just as we warned.


Yes … our fall crisis has obviously begun early. Why? One reason seems obvious: The market is front running the Shemitah end-day. We were the first to launch a market-crisis video, and it’s one that went viral..

First they laugh, then they scoff, then they believe. And in this case, panic.

Now what do the elites do?  If they were planning some orchestrated crisis in September how do they implement something like that when almost everybody already knows about it?  Do they continue? If so, it will be obvious…

We know we’ve been noticed. Hell, our servers have been under almost constant attack since the video was launched in mid-July.  An attack that programmers tell us is very high level and “probably the US government”.

This is becoming a major, high stakes game. For once the market and the “little guy” may have front-run the Powers That Shouldn’t Be (PTSB)!  A massive win for the internet!  As John Kerry stated, “This little thing called the Internet … makes it much harder to govern.”

Yes, it also makes it harder to fool people with manufactured crises!  What if they had planned a major destabilizing event in September? What do they do now that everyone is aware of the possibility and actively watching out for it?

Perhaps timeframes get changed. Perhaps they “head-fake” and drop a massive new Quantitative Easing that takes the market much higher in nominal terms prior to instigating the collapse/crisis. Or perhaps they raise rates and plunge markets into additional ruinous confusion ahead of time.

But one way or another, the game is on – only a little earlier than we expected. Now we’ll be adjusting our speculations in realtime based on what we see.

Already, however, our subscribers have benefited from our correct analysis of the situation. In a recommendation in July we said to buy December put options well outside of the money on the S&P index.  Today, alone, that investment rose over 300%.

spy dollar vigilante

It last closed at $0.06, opened today at $0.11 and ended the day bid at $0.27… and the bids weren’t being hit which means $0.35 may be the next trade.  Subscribers bought in near $0.06 and we’ve already received quite a few happy emails from them.

We are rushing now to get out our next issue of the TDV newsletter to subscribers to update our speculations and solutions for the coming and continued crisis.  Shemitah may have started early but Shemitah is just the beginning of the end-game. The trends are in place and every experienced trader knows better than to fight the trend.

This market plunge was a proverbial shot across the bow. Certainly it’s not the end itself, in our opinion.  Markets may go up in September if this continues throughout the remainder of August. They may go back up on Monday. But one thing we know: Sooner or later – even if the market runs back up through 2016 – the real trend is down and down hard.

We’ll be very active in the coming months covering all aspects of this crisis, which we predicted ahead of the rest.

Hold on to your hats. And please, if you haven’t subscribed to our TDV newsletter, do so at your earliest convenience. We’re still offering our US$39 “Survive Shemitah” special money-back offer. (Subscribe here.)

And here’s additional exciting news: Next week we will be releasing a brand-new book, “Shemitah Exposed” about the Shemitah phenomenon, its import and the unfortunate history of power and centralization that makes it possible. You won’t want to miss this book which provides additional Shemitah solutions from the same brain-trust that identified the current market crash.

Some of the book will be available on-line for free. But to read the whole thing, you’ll have to subscribe to the newsletter in order to act on the insights we’ve provided within a real-time context. There’s no risk to you, however, as the book and the newsletter come with a money-back guarantee.

But you won’t be asking for your money back. Not once you received the book and the TDV newsletter – 40-plus pages of insights and information every month (plus updates, alerts and reports as necessary) that you will need to know in order to survive and thrive during this critical time.

Please join us. Do it for your portfolio, do it for yourself and your loved ones. We’re at the forefront of this developing story, and will continue to set the pace. You’d expect nothing less and neither would we.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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