Mass Murderers We’ve Known

After every rash of mass murders in the U.S., we have the usual call of “How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?!” Indeed, but let us examine this phenomenon in greater detail, shall we?

The way it happens is as follows: Jimmy Wheedle undergoes some type of paranoiac delusion or hallucination, and imagines innocent people to be plotting against him. Therefore, he obtains a firearm, goes to some public place the “voices” are telling him these “culprits” are, and opens fire. If Jimmy is captured alive (on rare occasions) the police will report that he was “mentally ill”. This explains it all and everyone goes away knowing this.

But humor me a moment and entertain this scenario: A candidate for President of the United States undergoes some type of paranoiac delusion or hallucination, and imagines innocent people to be plotting against the United States. Once elected, he obtains a military. Having done so, he goes to the country the “voices” (intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, PNAC, etc.) are telling him these “culprits” are, and starts a war. If the President is questioned before Congress at all (on rare occasions), the entire government will report that the President acted on “credible intelligence”. This explains it all and everyone goes away knowing this.

However, what we see here is that the paranoiac delusions and hallucinations were justified and not seen as crazy. In other words, the entire government acted upon the same premise a mass murderer uses in his actions, but claims it’s not “crazy” and calls it, rather, “credible intelligence” I will leave you, dear readers, to pinpoint the irony in that. Let me say this, though. A mass murderer with a gun can kill about thirty people before police arrive and thwart his plan, whatever it was. A President with a military can kill thirty people per second, and this can go on for over a decade without end, and no one will thwart that plan, whatever it originally was and then mutated into later. In fact, incredibly, that plan can be handed down to a successor President and the plan continues on! This is astonishing to contemplate! Think about a scenario where a mass murderer opens fire, kills thirty people, and then another mass murderer arrives and takes over the crime killing even more people. You see, there’s a lot of talk about keeping guns out of the hands of “crazy” people. But, when will we hear sane voices calling for keeping bigger guns out of the hands of our crazy Presidents?!

Now, entertain this scene for a moment: Bill Smith has a neighbor he hates named Barry Hanes. He wants Barry Hanes to move out of the neighborhood. So he enlists the aid of a local street gang to go over and harass Barry and vandalize his house. Unfortunately, the street gang gets a bit too enthusiastic and vandalizes the neighboring houses next to Barry. The police arrive and discover the plot Bill Smith hatched, having caught one of the gang members. Bill Smith is arrested for several felonies.

But what about this: The President of the United States hates the guy running Syria, Bashar al-Assad. He wants Assad to step down and go away. So he enlists the aid of armed thugs and terrorists to go over and fight against Assad’s forces. Unfortunately, this group gets a bit too enthusiastic and begins attacking Iraq and other countries. The world wonders what to do about this group, now calling itself ISIS. But far from being held accountable, the President tells us the solution is to arm and train more terrorists to fight the terrorists we trained and armed. More ominous is the possibility that ISIS might, in fact, be still under the control of CIA forces burrowed deep into the government and accountable to no one. Thus, they are unstoppable and virtually invincible. This would explain why about a year’s worth of airstrikes has not weakened ISIS. In fact, they have grown stronger. If someone was within, they would be able to warn ISIS of impending airstrikes. In addition to supplying them and protecting them more than just warning them of airstrikes.

Who says this government unto the world it is righteous? In fact, this government fits the profile of a mass murderer and a neighborhood thug. The current presidential candidates seek to involve us in more mass murders and to that, we shall examine this fact even more. Examine this tale: Inspired by the mass murder event of Jimmy Wheedle, a copycat named Huck Walker has a paranoiac delusion that his neighbor, Sam Teagle, is plotting against him. Huck sees that the murders of Jimmy were the solution to this problem and so envisions a plan to carry out this solution himself against his imagined enemy. Now Huck has been writing to Jimmy who is in prison and through subtle messages, Jimmy confirms to Huck that he is right. Therefore, Huck acquires a firearm and bursts into Sam Teagle’s home and kills him. But more than that, Sam’s entire family of eight is also murdered since they were considered “accomplices” by Huck. The police arrive and catch Huck, far too late. The police report Huck is “mentally ill” and this explains everything and people wonder how things like this continue to happen, again and again.

Investigate this story: Some Presidential candidates say Iran is building a nuclear weapon and needs to be bombed. This, of course, is exactly the same as was said of Iraq and we know Iraq had no such program, hundreds of thousands of dead later. But people from within the former Bush Administration are coaching these candidates from behind the scenes and messages pass back and forth between them. Even if a pact is signed with Iran, these candidates say they will not honor it, thus saying the word of the United States is not good. Which we already knew, but I digress. Assuming one of these candidates becomes President and obtains a military, what will he, therefore, do? He will bomb Iran, resulting in the deaths of not only the personnel and installations targeted, but also thousands of innocent people who happen to live there also. Of course, later it will be learned Iran had no such nuclear weapons program. It will be said the President acted on “credible intelligence” and this will explain everything. People will wonder how things like this continue to happen, again and again.

It’s easy to point to some shmoe on the street and say, “That guy is crazy!” But how about we start pointing those fingers where they belong—to our allegedly elected leaders! Excuse me, but some “crazy” guy on the street cannot obtain control over roughly 2,600 nuclear weapons and the authority to use them! That “crazy” guy can’t deploy aircraft carriers and kill people all over the planet without so much as a by-your-leave from the American people. I agree, we need to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. And we need to start with our Presidents, Senators, Congress, CIA, NSA, DHS, JSOC, SOCOM, and all the other letters in the alphabet soup of tyrants. Yeah, crazy people. Tell us all about them, Mr. President. Takes one to know one, they say.

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