Monsanto’s GMO seed patents begin to expire


‘Once upon a time, people who planted seeds and worked with the land answered only to the laws of nature. Farmers were free. They kept the seeds from each harvest so they could plant them again the next season. No permission was required to plant each year. Chemical herbicides were not needed to grow the seed because the seed was not engineered with herbicide-resistant traits.

Under corporate farming, the exact opposite is true. Farmers are now indebted, beholden to corporations like Monsanto. Farmers have to pay Monsanto each year to use their genetically modified seeds. Scientists working for Monsanto edit the genome of seeds to give the seeds unique traits, like herbicide resistance. This seed technology is then patented, giving the Monsanto corporation authority over nature and control over agriculture. The genetically modified seed, which is subsidized by the government, quickly becomes the farmer’s most efficient crop to plant.’

Read more: Monsanto’s GMO seed patents begin to expire

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