More Antioxidant Than Blueberries?

If you’ve been wondering what all that coffee is doing to you, cheer up. A recent review of data completed at Gill Heart Institute in Kentucky focused on the cardiovascular, genetic, antioxidant and caffeine effects of coffee and found that drinking the brew reduces the risk of mortality right across the board. They also documented that coffee:

  • 1. Reduces risk of stroke
  • 2. Does not increase risk of coronary heart disease
  • 3. Does not increase risk of congestive heart failure and may be preventative
  • 4. Does not increase risk of sudden cardiac death
  • 5. Decreases risk of type 2 diabetes
  • 6. Does not increase risk of hypertension
  • 7. Does not increase risk of metabolic syndrome
  • 8. Arrhythmias with coffee are not a significant factor

The study goes on to note that coffee contains a myriad of other components besides caffeine, especially antioxidant polyphenols. These may be altered or removed by coffee preparation methods such a paper filtration or putting milk into the coffee. Additionally, there was no noted cardiovascular advantage or disadvantage to drinking decaffeinated coffee.

“The bottom line on coffee for those who enjoy the brew, is that it is a wonderful beverage with rare associated CV [cardiovascular] disadvantage and with much to recommend it from an overall CV standpoint”, concluded the study author.

It’s not just fruits and vegetables that make the world go round

Other scientists have reported that the average cup of coffee has more antioxidants than an average serving of blueberries or an orange. And the much touted green tea can’t hold a candle to coffee, with a cup of it containing only about 25% of the antioxidants as found in a cup of coffee.

Antioxidants are the anti-aging polyphenols that counter oxidation in the body. The high amounts of antioxidants found in coffee may prevent or delay the diseases associated with growing older.

The dominant antioxidant polyphenol in coffee is chlorogenic acid (CGA). Scientists have demonstrated that CGA exerts many biological properties that include antibacterial, protection against cancer, and regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism.

It looks like the combo of caffeine and CGA is a powerful one for weight loss. Another recent study concluded that this combination suppresses fat accumulation and body weight gain by regulating mRNA and protein expression levels of liver lipid metabolism-related enzymes. These affects are stronger than those exerted by CGA and caffeine individually.

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