Netanyahu Sidelined As UK Re-Opens British Embassy in Teheran

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‘Binyamin Netanyahu has been left sidelined as UK re-opens its embassy in Teheran in anticipation of renewed diplomatic and commercial ties between these two major world economies and as European firms race for Iranian oil projects worth up to $185 billion.

In the meantime, however, the Israeli government, with zero oil and dependent on imports, has instructed AIPAC, its foreign affairs agency in Washington, to make every effort – including the spending of $20million – to try to persuade members of the American House of Representatives to overturn the agreed deal between the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, with Iran.’

Read more: Netanyahu Sidelined As UK Re-Opens British Embassy in Teheran

The post Netanyahu Sidelined As UK Re-Opens British Embassy in Teheran appeared first on David Icke.

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