Obama Administration Keeps Pushing for a Hot War Against Russia

Escalating war threats against Russia, the Obama administration on Aug. 17 sent four Abrams tanks, three artillery cannons, and six light-armored reconnaissance vehicles to Bulgaria, Military Times reported. The tanks, artillery, and vehicles were sent to the Novo Selo training range in eastern Bulgaria, where they will join 160 US Marines stationed at the base as part of US operations in the country. The US has previously announced plans to stockpile growing volumes of equipment, including tanks and artillery, in the Baltic states which border Russia, Military Times reported. Heritage Foundation fellow Luke Coffey, a former Army captain, called the deployment a “message to Russia,” Military Times noted.

In addition, the Military Times said the tanks, artillery, and vehicles are meant for a “new Bulgaria-based unit designed to deter Russian aggression” and the deployment is part of the first of three US Marine Corps rotations in Bulgaria. The Marine Corps deployment in Bulgaria will see the U.S. soldiers training with their counterparts from Bulgaria and Romania. In the future, soldiers from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Republic of Georgia could also join the group, reports the paper.

“The transportation of a Marine Corps combined arms capability in the Black Sea region has fostered improved communication and coordination with the allied force and its partners,” Lt. Col. John Sattely, director of logistics for U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa, said in a press release, cited by News Max website Tuesday. 

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