Pope Join Forces With Obama for ‘Warmist’ Propaganda Near Shemitah End Day

As we continue our coverage of Shemitah-related events to take place in mid-September, we note that Pope Frances and Obama will be meeting on September 23rd, near the Shemitah end-day of September 13th to discuss global warming and “climate change.”

Obama will host Pope Francis at the White House, where they are, according to reports, “expected to make an impassioned collective call for action.”

The Pope’s meeting with Obama in mid-September is just one of a variety of provocative – and in some cases potentially disastrous – occurrences clustered around Shemitah’s end-day of September 13th. You can see our video on the subject at www.SurviveShemitah.com.

Other possibilities for difficulties and disasters around the Shemitah end-day include a devastating market crash, potentially destabilizing military actions and political events taking place in the West leading to further repression or even versions of martial law.

Obama, however, is reportedly “eager to discuss the issue of climate change with the Pope.” The meeting will no doubt make headlines and provide a justification for yet more coverage of “climate change.”

The Pope will also reportedly preside over a special interfaith service at the September 11th Memorial and Museum WTC on Friday, September 25, 2015.

This is significant given the well-reported remarks of French foreign minister Laurent Fabius, who on May 13, 2014, made a joint appearance with Secretary of State John Kerry to warn the world only had 500 days left until “climate chaos.” The Pope’s sermon at Ground Zero will take place within the time-frame of Fabius’s remarks.

The focus on climate change is far more than academic and is increasingly being linked to depopulation initiatives. In April 2015, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Christiana Figueres re-emphasized that a leading solution to global warming includes extreme depopulation.”

Figueres warned the world is “exceeding the planetary carrying capacity.” The Vatican and United Nations issued a joint statement calling for “a level and sustainable population.’”

And in his recent controversial (pro-pan globalism) Environmental Encyclical, Pope Frances quoted his predecessor, Benedict XVI, and again called for a “world political authority.”  A world political authority, by definition, is a world government… or a one world government.

Meanwhile, Obama recently unveiled what he called the “biggest, most important step we’ve ever taken to fight climate change.” The President is mandating that coal-fired power plants reduce the production of carbon to 2005 levels. He is doing so despite protests that his unilateral imposition of such rules is unconstitutional. It surely is – but this adminisration is apparently well-past bothering with such niceties.

The President’s new initiatives are apparently part of a larger orchestration of activism that is to culminate in December in Paris where the world’s leaders will gather for climate negotiations that some hope will ban or reduce certain kinds of energy “pollution” in favor of wind power and solar energy.

There is more of course. Global warming – often referred to as climate change – provides the opportunity for the powers-that-be the world over to regulate people’s consumption of energy. It gives elites the justification to create massive alternative energy facilities such as wind-turbine and solar panel plantations that individuals can neither control or utilize on their own.

It is most difficult to believe global warming is anything other than another elite promotion. The idea is apparently to justify United Nations activism, global taxation and government interference in people’s use of available, local energy resources.

Just this past month, reports surfaced once again questioning the entire global warming argument. Here, from Politico:

After September of this year, the Earth will be entering its 22nd year without statistically significant warming trend, according to satellite-derived temperature data. Since September 1994, University of Alabama in Huntsville’s satellite temperature data has shown no statistically significant global warming trend. For over 20 years there’s been no warming trend apparent in the satellite records and will soon be entering into year 22 with no warming trend apparent in satellite data — which examines the lowest few miles of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Nonetheless, proponents continue to agitate for a worldwide program combating global warming that can be developed and administered on a global scale, perhaps by the United Nations. Within this context, the Pope’s visit with Obama around Shemitah-day will be a much ballyhooed event that will provide impetus for more coverage of December’s Paris deliberations.

Once again, we see the Shemitah end-day magnifying certain questionable political and economic agendas that may have severely negative consequences for those who believe freedom is preferable to political coercion and marketplace solutions are preferable to legislative force.

As we stated in our now viral video, “SHEMITAH EXPOSED: Financial Crisis Planned for September 2015“, something is going on… what that is is anyone’s guess.  But stick with us here at TDV (subscribe here) as we are actively falling all of the countless developments that appear to point to something major happening this fall.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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