Psychologist who trains cops to shoot first, ask questions later makes big money at their trials


‘A behavioral psychologist who trains law enforcement officers to shoot first and deal with the consequences later is profiting mightily when they go to trial and he is called upon to testify on their behalf, reports the New York Times.

Relying upon his own research — that an editor for The American Journal of Psychology calls “pseudoscience” — Dr. William J. Lewinski offers seminars to law enforcement departments around the country, telling police officers they can be shot by a suspect within a quarter of a second should the suspect be armed.

Should an officer go to trail, or face a grand jury indictment, Lewinski is there to defend their actions for $1,000 an hour.

While a string of high profile incidents involving police shooting unarmed suspects has roiled the country, Lewinski continues to tell cops that they can’t wait to act or they may end up dead.’

Read more: Psychologist who trains cops to shoot first, ask questions later makes big money at their trials

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