Remove Obama or Face Near-Certain Extinction

NATO is conducting new, highly provocative maneuvers right along the Russian borders over the course of the next month, beginning Saturday, August 22. Swift Response 15 is the largest airborne military exercise on the European continent since the end of the Cold War, and involves the very “high-readiness forces” that NATO has created, specifically to conduct warfare against Russia. Early next month, NATO will be conducting Dynamic Manta naval maneuvers in the Ionian Sea, demonstrating NATO’s anti-submarine warfare systems.

On Wednesday, Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of the US Army Europe, told reporters that the US training program of Ukrainian national guard troops in eastern Ukraine is going ahead, and that the Ukrainian regular army is now a fully professional fighting force. Hodges made no mention of the fact that the so-called national guard forces he is training are dominated by outright Nazis from the Banderist Right Sector, who are prepared to trigger a war with Russia, into which US President Obama is prepared to intervene, using the pretext to start a general war against Russia.

Russian President Putin is fully aware of the imminent threat of war provocation coming out of President Obama. He is aware of the activation of Right Sector neo-Nazi brigades against eastern Ukraine. Putin will not start a war, but he is prepared to respond, with full strategic force, if President Obama goes ahead with his intended plans to launch war against Russia on the earliest pretext. Anyone studying how Putin handled the 2008 military provocations by Georgia, under US and NATO darling Saakashvili, should have learned the lesson of how Russia will spring the trap on any adversary—and then crush them totally.

The problem is that President Obama is oblivious to the nature of how Putin and Russia will respond. Obama is stuck on the idea that he can force Putin to back down by carrying out bluffs and provocations, including via surrogate Ukrainian Nazis. Obama is delusional, and his delusions now threaten the world with annihilation in a thermonuclear war that will be provoked by Obama.

Is there anything more insane than a US President who is prepared to run the risk of human extinction out of his obsession with starting a conflict with Russia? Isn’t this precisely the kind of mental breakdown that the authors of the 25th Amendment had in mind when they spelled out procedures for removing a president from office—instantly—who is no longer mentally or physically capable of performing his Constitutional functions?

There is nothing going on in the world at this moment that is of greater strategic importance than removing President Obama from office—before he launches thermonuclear World War III through a provocation against Russia. The Russians are clear on this imminent danger. The spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Minsistry, Maria Zakharova, issued a blunt statement on Tuesday, noting that Russia has nothing against the United States or the American people.

“The problem,” she told reporters, “is that the incumbent U.S. administration is trying to push on its people an anti-Russian model of the perception of the world. However the United States as a country, and the Americans as a people are not our enemies.”

President Obama, however, has chosen to make himself into an enemy of Russia and an enemy of mankind as a whole, by constantly provoking the crisis with Russia that can bring about a war of human extermination.

Obama has sanctioned Turkish attacks on Kurds who have taken the lead in fighting against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. He is backing real-live Nazis, who are running war provocations in Ukraine against Russia.

As Lyndon LaRouche warned in discussions with his Policy Committee on Wednesday afternoon, the trend of President Obama’s behavior indicates his intention to provoke world war. He is doing everything in his power to launch it.

LaRouche asked: Isn’t the 25th Amendment necessary right now? Doesn’t Obama’s record bespeak his intentions to start war with Russia? Is he not a perpetual liar who cannot be trusted? And finally, who among the candidates for the highest office in the land have the guts to pose those questions?

LaRouche invoked the role that President John F. Kennedy played in averting just such a thermonuclear holocaust during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Kennedy and Khrushchov reached a personal accord that averted thermonuclear war. Obama is unprepared—and psychologically incapable—of acting to abandon his own insane drive towards thermonuclear confrontation. He must be removed from office now—for the sake of mankind and all future generations.

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