Republicans Want To Exterminate These People

Think of Iran, and images of oppression and executions, a downcast people and rugged mountains or dry deserts immediately spring to mind.

But a group of passionate Iranians have captured stunning images of their day-to-day lives – with some truly eye-opening insights into a country which people in the West associate with a religious dictatorship, watching their every move with an iron rod held aloft and ready to strike at any infraction.

Indeed, even Ali Kaveh, one of the founders of EverydayIran, claims he has found himself surprised at the pictures emerging from his home country.

Relaxed: Friends sit together in Tehran. Their brightly coloured, modern clothes go against western images of the Islamic Republic

Relaxed: Friends sit together in Tehran. Their brightly coloured, modern clothes go against western images of the Islamic Republic

A picture of two smiling babies being covered in rose petals as part of custom called ‘Gol Qaltan’, to mark the children’s first spring, was an entirely new idea.

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