Saudi Arabia executes ‘a person every two days’ as rate of beheadings soars under King Salman

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‘Saudi Arabia has executed at least 175 people in the past year, at a rate of one every two days, according to a report by Amnesty International.

The kingdom killed 102 convicted criminals in the first six months of 2015 alone, putting it on course to beat its 1995 record number for the calendar year of 192. Those killed included children under the age of 18 at the time of the offence, and people suspected of having mental disabilities.

Amnesty, which alongside the AFP news agency keeps a record of the number of people the Saudi government kills, said the execution rate suddenly surged in August last year and continued to rise under the new King Salman from January.’

Read more: Saudi Arabia executes ‘a person every two days’ as rate of beheadings soars under King Salman

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