Separatist Movement in West Ukraine: Lviv Activists Are Demanding Autonomy for Galicia


‘The movement for autonomy in West Ukraine has barely been reported by the Western media.

Below is a report translated from Russian, which suggests that the movement for regional autonomy is by no means limited to Donbass. The Galicia protest is firmly opposed to the Kiev regime and its Neo-Nazi collaborators. What is unfolding is a process of political fracturing of Ukraine as a nation state. (M. Ch. GR ed)

Pravyi Sektor tried to intervene, but despite the protests of the Pravyi Sektor Lviv chapter, about three hundred activists from various social organizations came out today with demands for real autonomy for the Lviv region. The rally of the supporters of Galician autonomy began at 16:30 in front of the Lviv Regional State Administration. The protesters blocked traffic on Vinnichenko street. Participants at the rally were holding placards that read: “Poroshenko has betrayed his people!”, “Special status for Galicia—real autonomy for the Lviv region!”, “Galicia is Europe!”, “Stop feeding the thieves in Kiev!” “Taxes should remain in the Lviv region!”

Activists of Pravyi Sektor tried to block the protest rally; however, as the main forces of the Pravyi Sektor are currently in Mukachevo, the “autonomists” were able to hold their event despite the interference.’

Read more:Separatist Movement in West Ukraine: Lviv Activists Are Demanding Autonomy for Galicia

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