Serious About Restoring Your Health?

DETOXIFICATION is a basic principle of natural health. Any program of restoring the health and balance of the body includes getting toxins out of the body.

TOXINS accumulate over time because they store in our fatty tissue. Our bodies cannot eliminate toxins without some help. The fatty tissue that stores toxins is not just that roll around the middle – it also a form of fat known as phospholipids that are found in significant quantities in our brain and nerves. This accumulation of toxins over time can cause serious degenerative problems.

toxicity of them. Think about even Vaseline – also known as petroleum jelly. Yuck! Or baby oil – also petroleum based. How about nice substitutes made from olive oil and beeswax, coconut oil or sweet almond oil?

DETOXIFICATION is a way to help the body process out these stored chemicals and it helps lead to health and balance in the long run. I recommend all kinds of cleanses. One of the best is a 30 day whole body cleanse that cleans and supports all organs of elimination. If you are really serious about cleansing and restoring health to your body, there are other cleanses that are good follow-ups to the basic 30 day whole body cleanse. These include heavy metal cleanses, liver cleanses, parasite cleanses and more.

TRY a cleanse and feel better soon.

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