Take Down the Thought Police


‘There has been an invasion occurring. Not an invasion of people, but more an invasion of philosophy, as Political Correctness has marched in lockstep across the country. Political Correctness forces everyone to walk on eggshells, afraid to tell a joke, afraid to deal with people as people, because someone, somewhere, might “be offended.”

The advance of PC has seemed unstoppable. No one, apparently, is safe from these shrieking monsters; they point, and they howl, like a bad remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and all of their co-shriekers arrive on cue to denounce the target and tear them down. It doesn’t matter if the target is conservative or liberal or libertarian. Being CEO of Mozilla is no protection; neither is winning a Nobel prize. Even landing a space probe on a comet–on the first try–is not sufficient armor to protect oneself from the attacks of the hordes of harpies.

But last year, something happened. Last year, the hordes were stopped, by the most unlikely of heroes.’

Read more: Take Down the Thought Police

The post Take Down the Thought Police appeared first on David Icke.

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