Tell Governor Walker to Back off!

Governor Walker is determined to force Alaska to expand ObamaCare. He even had his own appointed attorney general write a letter trying to explain away Walker’s violations of state law.

Some legislators are calling for committee hearings to discuss the governor’s actions. Some things never change.

After the British had laid siege to Boston in 1775, some weak-kneed legislators were still calling for committees to write letters to the king 4,000 miles away in England!

This is not a time for holding a committee meeting.

Alaska legislators need to immediately call themselves into special session and stop ObamaCare expansion in Alaska once and for all.

After you sign your petition, please contact your state representative and state senator and tell them “NO support for ObamaCare!” Demand they call for a special session to reject the governor’s power grab.

To find out who your legislators are, use the “Who Represents Me Tool” at the bottom of the Alaska State Legislature website.

The governor’s people keep saying the governor was elected, so he should be able to “lead”. We’ve heard that before.

That’s what Obama’s lackeys say every time he violates the law and ignores the Constitution.

Here’s a newsflash for the governor: Alaska’s Legislators were elected too!

And if they will not stand up to the governor’s bullying, then perhaps Alaskans should find people who will.

No more excuses. The Alaska Legislature must act to stop the Governor by immediately calling itself into special session. The stakes on this are too high.

State officials recently admitted that Alaska’s current Medicaid program has wasted at least $182 million through technical errors, and perhaps as much as $326 million when federal penalties are included.

Already this summer 30 State Trooper positions were eliminated because of budget cuts.

How much is $182 million? It is more than the entire budget for all Alaska State Troopers and the Department of Public Safety for a year!

Make no mistake – this is not merely a fight on principle.

If Governor Walker gets his way, there is no doubt more money will be diverted from essential services the government should be providing – like State Troopers – simply to fund big government.

Alaska has been running a 4 BILLION DOLLAR deficit. This year the Walker Administration has been burning through our state savings at a rate of $10 MILLION per day.

In the face of the governor’s recent power grab, the only way to stop ObamaCare expansion is for the legislature to call itself into special session to stop ObamaCare once and for all.

After you sign your petition, it’s CRITICAL you contact your state legislators and demand they call for a special session to reject the governor’s power grab.

Use the “Who Represents Me Tool” at the bottom of the Alaska State Legislature website.

Governor Walker and Alaska Democrats want the Republican legislature to give up and let them have their way. The special interests that helped them get elected keep clamoring for ObamaCare money.

And unless you take action TODAY, Republicans in the Alaska Legislature just might cave.

It’s a story we are all too familiar with. Republicans campaign on stopping ObamaCare, but when it comes time to vote, they turn tail and run.

Not only do they NOT repeal ObamaCare — they actually vote to fund it!

Republicans in the Alaska Legislature need your help. They need to borrow some of your intestinal fortitude.

Will you call your legislator today and let them have it? They need to hear from you.

It’s vital you contact your state legislators RIGHT AWAY and demand they call for a special session to reject the governor’s Medicaid expansion.

If you haven’t contacted your legislator before, now is the time to do it. To find out who your legislators are, use the “Who Represents Me Tool” at the bottom of the Alaska State Legislature website.

This is not a time for Republicans to sit and watch so they can blame the other party in the next election.

Their silence now means they are consenting to ObamaCare expansion.

States that have opted to expand their Medicaid programs under ObamaCare are millions of dollars – and in some cases billions of dollars – over budget. Where will the Walker Administration come up with that kind of money?

State Senator Peter Micciche says the state has “two choices, and that is to cut services or ask Alaskans how they want to pay for those services that are outside of our core constitutional responsibility as a state.”

That means if Alaska accepts ObamaCare expansion, there won’t be any escaping the taxes to fund it, not to mention the increased fraud and lower quality medical care for all Alaskans.

So please sign your petition right away.

Then, be sure to contact your state representative and state senator. Demand they call for a special session to reject the governor’s recent power grab.

If Alaska participates in this rotten scheme, it’ll be that much harder to get rid of ObamaCare for good.

For all of these reasons – and more – Alaska must reject ObamaCare expansion.

Your elected representatives need to hear from you today.

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