The Eerie Quiet Just Before the Outbreak of Total War

Salon Magazine Foreign Affairs columnist Patrick L. Smith wrote Saturday that

“Either we are on the near side of open conflict between the two great powers, accidental or purposeful and probably but not necessarily on Ukrainian soil, or we are in for a re-rendering of the Cold War that will endure as long as the original.”

 But Smith must know that the latter alternative is merely wishful thinking; there can be no rerun of the Cold War, and to imagine one is to overlook the reasons behind London’s orders to Obama to move into imminent war with Russia.  Short of Moscow’s surrender, which will not happen, or Obama’s removal, the latter will order a thermonuclear launch, probably before Lyndon LaRouche’s 93rd birthday on September 8.

In his August 8 article, Smith equates the current days with the “phony war” from September 1939, when Britain and France declared war on Germany, until May, 1940, when Germany invaded the Low Countries.  Not because there is anything “phony” about this present war,—quite the contrary.  But because, like that earlier period, it is a merely apparent calm, which is ticking down before the fore-ordained outbreak of total war, which today means thermonuclear war.

In an earlier article, Smith had noted that U.S.-Russian relations have plummeted since April.

Secretary Kerry went to Sochi in May for meetings with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and a long meeting with President Putin, but Washington (i.e., Obama) has furiously pumped up tensions with Russia ever since.  The same Obama praised Putin for his cooperation in reaching the Iran agreement when he announced it on July 14, but only two weeks and two days later, the U.S. Treasury added 26 more Russian individuals and companies to its sanctions list.  Pentagon and State have increased their “effort to encourage the Poroshenko government to resolve its crisis with rebellious citizens in the east of Ukraine on the battlefield.”

“A few weeks ago, Defense Secretary Carter made a grand sweep through the frontline nations where NATO will now maintain battle-ready materiel.  Here are the numbers behind the display: NATO has increased military exercises in close proximity to Russia’s western border from fewer than 100 last year—already an aggressive number—to more than 150.  Reconnaissance flights and airborne exercises bumping up to Russian airspace have increased nearly tenfold.”

The mention of Ashton Carter should remind us that Obama is using a changeover to new people, to push through his annihilation war.  Carter is a new Secretary of Defense, and General Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, is transitioning out to be replaced on October 1.

“NATO’s European missile defense system, while altered during Obama’s first term, proceeds apace—if you can believe it, still under the pretense that it is intended to protect the Continent from short-term missiles fired from Iran. Who is this fig leaf intended to fool, you have to wonder,” Smith asks.

The countdown is on.  The only thing which has any degree of certainty of turning it off, is to remove Obama from the Presidency.

As Lyndon LaRouche discussed with a Manhattan meeting yesterday, Section Four of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, was passed in 1967 to involuntarily remove any President who is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office” for psychological or other reasons.  It must now be used to remove Obama.

It is a common misconception that the use of Section Four must be initiated by the Vice President, but this is not the case.  Rather, it only requires that the Vice President join in with a majority of “the principal officers of the executive departments” in concluding that the President is unfit.  Joe Biden will not be the problem, Lyndon LaRouche said today.  He will be faced with the choice of joining in, or committing suicide, since he will be among the first to be killed in the coming thermonuclear war.

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