The Fed Is Bluffing About a 2015 Rate Hike

BALTIMORE, Maryland – What did we tell you…

The Janet Yellen Fed will not raise interest rates in any meaningful way anytime soon. Instead, she will announce new QE programs.

Yesterday, red was showing up just about everywhere – U.S. stocks, European stocks, Asian stocks, emerging markets stocks, crude oil…

But it could have been worse…

U.S. stocks recovered some of their losses for the day, after the minutes of the most recent Fed meeting showed Yellen and team still won’t pull the trigger on a rate hike until certain unspecified conditions are met.

Commodities are plumbing record lows – most notably oil and “Dr. Copper,” widely seen to signal a deteriorating economy worldwide.

Shipping and freight prices reveal a slowdown in trade. (See today’s Market Insight below for more on that…)

A strong dollar, slowing exports, and falling commodities prices are hammering many of the emerging markets.

And China is struggling to avoid its own Great Depression.

That’s why Ms. Yellen is reluctant to raise rates. She knows it will be painful when she does.

Instead, she’ll administer another dose of morphine…

Reprinted with permission from Bonner & Partners.

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