The Major Fallout from Nuclear Accidents Isn’t Radiation—It’s Greenie-Induced Psychological Stress

This the conclusion of a study printed in the British medical journal Lancet, which was led by radiation protection expert Dr. Koichi Tanigawa from the Fukushima Medical University in Japan. The study found that “although the radiation dose to the public from [the] Fukushima [accident] was relatively low, and no discernible physical health effects are expected, psychological and social problems, largely stemming from the differences in risk perceptions, have had a devastating impact on people’s lives.”

Left unstated is the fact that these “differences in risk perception” are not due to any differences of opinion, or interpretation of fact, but rather the lying scare stories fabricated by anti-nuclear organizers and their cohorts in the media, who manufacture fantastic scenarios to terrorize populations any time someone sneezes in a nuclear power plant.

The article—one in a series of three studies in Lancet on nuclear power—also reports on a 2006 study by the United Nations on the worlwide effects of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident. Although in that case there were fatalities, these were largely among the workers who knowingly risked their lives to bring the situation at the plant under control. The “most serious public health issue,” the study found, was the adverse effects on the mental health of the population. “Poor communication” about the health risks of radiation, the report states, made the problem worse. Again, the “communication” through the media was the continuation of a decades-old campaign, begun by Bertrand Russell, to terrorize the population regarding anything nuclear.

In the case of Fukushima, where no adverse health effects have been found, the (unnecessary) evacuation of 170,000 residents within a 30-km radius of the plant, led to a threefold increase in deaths among elderly people in the first three months following their evacuation, the study found. Syndromes similar to post-traumatic stress, and long-term “distress,” were seen in evacuated residents.

The number of lives that have been lost since the 1980s due to the sabotage of expanding civilian nuclear power is counted in the millions. 

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