The Mysterious 11,000 Year-Old Wooden Statue

A stunning wooden statue pulled from a Russian peat bog 125 years ago has been dated as being 11,000 years old after ‘sensational’ new analysis.

This means the remarkable Shigir Idol, which is covered in ‘encrypted code’ and may be a message from ancient man, is by far the oldest wooden sculpture in the world.

Previous dating attempts claimed it was made 9,500 years ago.

By comparison, Stonehenge dates back 4,614 years, while the haunting Russian wooden sculpture is also more than twice as old as the Egyptian pyramids.

The remarkable Shigir Idol (pictured) which is covered in ‘encrypted code’ and may be a message from ancient man, is the oldest wooden sculpture in the world

The remarkable Shigir Idol (pictured) which is covered in ‘encrypted code’ and may be a message from ancient man, is the oldest wooden sculpture in the world

Earlier attempts to date the Shigir Idol put as having been carved 9,500 years ago.

But in fact, it is one and a half millennia older, according to the latest research by German scientists.

‘We can say the results are sensational,’ a source at Sverdlovsk Regional History Museum told The Siberian Times.

The museum said the dating used the world’s most sophisticated technology and was undertaken to remove doubts about the age of the idol.

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