The President Had a Love Child

One of the sauciest legends of the White House has finally been proven true, thanks to DNA testing.

Relatives of President Warren G Harding revealed to the New York Times on Wednesday that he did indeed father a daughter in 1919 with his longtime mistress Nan Britton, after receiving the results of a genetic test linking them to the son of the love child.

Rumors of Harding’s infidelity became tabloid fodder in 1927, when Britton authored a tell-all on their secret relationship, revealing juicy facts like the fact that they used to have sex in a West Wing closet.the 72-year-old began to have doubts.

‘It’s sort of Shakespearean and operatic,’ Dr Harding told the New York Times. ‘This story hangs over the whole presidential history because it was an unsolved mystery.’

So Dr Harding and his cousin Abigail, a grand-niece of the president, approached Blaesing to ask him about undergoing a genetic test offered by

When the results came back, it proved that  Blaesing was a second-cousin to Dr Harding.

‘I have no doubts left,’ Abigail Harding, a retired high school biology teacher from Ohio, said. ‘When he’s related to me, he’s related to Peter, he’s related to a third cousin – there’s too many nails in the coffin, so to speak. I’m completely convinced.’

However, other Harding family members are less inclined to accept the results.

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