The Queen of Narcissism Gets a Pass

Megyn Kelly is razor sharp, impeccably prepared, relentless, tough, verbally skilled, and, to boot, a pretty good looker. She’s also an egomaniacal smart-aleck who seems intent on following Glenn Beck down the path to mediocre celebrity status.

When Kelly is on her game and acts like a broadcast professional, there’s no one better. She’s at her best when she’s going after radical–left liars like Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby, Planned Parenthood’s criminal elite, and just about everyone who perpetuated the “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie.

of the story — and certainly not the story. From the time she showed those pre-debate clips about herself until The Donald smacked her down, it felt like she was screaming at viewers, “Look at me! Look at me! Aren’t I great?” She may be pretty, but she’s pretty nauseating as well.

While the powers that be at Fox can coddle and protect Kelly from losing her job, they can’t force the public to continue to watch her. I’ve been around long enough to know that the one ironclad rule of life is that things change, so the Queen of Narcissism would do well to look over her shoulder.

As always, Fox has a bevy of talented beauties in the pipeline. It’s kind of like Ohio State football, where if your Heisman Trophy candidate quarterback goes down, you just pull another one off the bench who’s just as good or better.

It really is true that every twenty-four hours the world turns over and somebody else is on top. It’s surprising that her mentor, Brit Hume, who became a legend by playing things straight down the journalistic middle (never injecting himself into the story), would not take the time to explain the rules to her.

With all this in mind, my conclusion is that the big winner is Kelly’s ex, Dr. Dan Kendall. Every time she goes on another self-worshiping rant, you’ve got to believe he’s thinking, “But for the grace of God …”

Reprinted with permission from Robert Ringer.

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