Turkey Supports ISIS. … Now Declares ‘War Against ISIS’, But Instead Bombs Its Political Rival, Which Is the Most Effective Force Fighting ISIS

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‘The Guardian reported this week:

US special forces raided the compound of an Islamic State leader in eastern Syria in May, they made sure not to tell the neighbours.

The target of that raid, the first of its kind since US jets returned to the skies over Iraq last August, was an Isis official responsible for oil smuggling, named Abu Sayyaf. He was almost unheard of outside the upper echelons of the terror group, but he was well known to Turkey. From mid-2013, the Tunisian fighter had been responsible for smuggling oil from Syria’s eastern fields, which the group had by then commandeered. Black market oil quickly became the main driver of Isis revenues – and Turkish buyers were its main clients.

As a result, the oil trade between the jihadis and the Turks was held up as evidence of an alliance between the two.’

Read more: Turkey Supports ISIS. … Now Declares ‘War Against ISIS’, But Instead Bombs Its Political Rival, Which Is the Most Effective Force Fighting ISIS

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