UK police: No apology needed to owners of ‘Iran Is Great’ van after attack


‘The London police says it owes no apology to a European family whose van, which had had “Iran Is Great” written on its sides, was recently attacked outside a museum.

British media said Tuesday that the insurance and claims department of the London Metropolitan Police have recently wrote to Cristian Ivan, the owner of the van, explaining that it would not offer any compensation over an officer’s smashing of the vehicle’s windshields.

“It would be unreasonable to expect this service to pay compensation when police were merely carrying out the duty the public rightly expect of them especially given the heightened counter-terrorism threat level,” the letter said, adding, “Where police force entry lawfully as was the position here, and in doing so cause damage, there is no legal liability to compensate in respect of damage necessarily caused.”’

Read more: UK police: No apology needed to owners of ‘Iran Is Great’ van after attack

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