What Good War?

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ROCKWELL:  Well, good morning.  This is the Lew Rockwell Show, and how great it is to have as our guest, Judge John Denson.  John is not only a successful lawyer in Opelika, Alabama, but a scholar, editor of The Costs of War, a book on the American presidency that we published, and written many, many articles concentrating on the evils of war, telling the truth about war, who started the wars, who benefits from the wars, all the kinds of things that we’re not supposed to know.  So today, we have a very exciting program.  John, as everybody that listens to him knows, is one of the great voracious readers that any of us know.  He is constantly reading and finding wonderful new books and wonderful old books that should be reconsidered.  So today, John is going to talk to us about a very, very important question.  We’re told that World War II was the good war and justifies the American empire and everything else, the evil the U.S. does.  John is going to talk to us about why that’s a myth, like every other official story about war is a lie and a myth.

So, John, you’re going tell to us about important books that you’ve read and just what they tell us, what we ought to know, and enable us to judge the actions of the American government in a forthright and honest way.

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