When Faced With a Lethal Threat, Defend Yourself

Ft Collins, CO –-(Ammoland.com)- “Reluctant” Prosecution:

Earlier this month in OH, a homeowner shot and killed a burglary suspect.

The homeowner, armed with a pistol (brand/caliber unreported), confronted a pair of burglary suspects who were in the act of forcible entry into his home.

Not clear if words were exchanged, but the brace of burglars instantly decided to disengage and run away. he finds himself now.

(1) Chasing after felons with pistol in hand, (2) holding felons at gunpoint, and (2) seeking confrontation with dangerous criminals may all look sexy in the movies, but it invariably represents bad personal practice in reality.

Your defensive firearm(s) is there exclusively to protect your life. Defending yourself with gunfire, even when acutely and legitimately necessary, is still a terrible, life-altering event, to be done only when you have no choice.

When you do have a choice, you’ve probably answered your own question!

Sheriff John T Chance (played by John Wayne): “I hear you’re mighty good with a gun, lad”

Colorado Ryan (played by Rick Nelson): “Yes, I am. But, there is something I’m even better at!”

Chance: “… and what’s that?”

Ryan: “Minding my own business” ~ From the 1959 feature film, “Rio Bravo


Reprinted with permission from AmmoLand.com.

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