Why Bezos’ Denials About Exploitation at Amazon Sound Like Sociopathic CEO-Speak

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‘One of the core tenets of libertarianism is that the market is always self-correcting; that any injustice or moral offense carried out through Darwinian competition will somehow, by virtue of the invisible hand, fix itself. Restaurant uses rats in its meat loaf? People will find out and the business will shut down. Too many rapes at Northwestern University? It will come to light and women will choose to get educated elsewhere.

It is impossible, therefore, for a libertarian to accept that a worker can ever be exploited. Being the fully realized Randian heros that they are, abusive working conditions will simply compel workers to walk across the street, making any workplace abuse short of criminality a virtual impossibility.

So when the New York Times published its measured indictment of Amazon’s dog-eat-dog corporate culture last Sunday, the response from Amazon’s finely honed PR department — and its ideological confederates in Silicon Valley— was equal parts laughter and equal parts dismissal. It wasn’t just unfair, in their minds; it was a contradiction in terms.’

Read more: Why Bezos’ Denials About Exploitation at Amazon Sound Like Sociopathic CEO-Speak

The post Why Bezos’ Denials About Exploitation at Amazon Sound Like Sociopathic CEO-Speak appeared first on David Icke.

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