Why Manufactured FEAR Is Required

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‘No matter where you look in the world today, terrible things are happening like never before. Some of the school-killings are drug-induced. A lengthy list of drug-induced killings around the world exists from 1988 to 2011 can be seen at SSRI school killings/suicides. Media never talks about numerous killers known to be on prescribed psychotropic medicines under a doctor’s care. In countries like Japan students have used swords to kill other students.

Imagine what happens to a mechanic who intentionally leaves wheel nuts loose on a vehicle after installing new tires, knowing this can kill the occupants. When they are killed and perhaps others in nearby vehicles, investigators quickly figure this out and he can be charged with manslaughter.

Doctors however, are shielded from the law whenever they prescribe psychotropic drugs. Nothing happens to them if they create a killer. Drug companies factor in the cost of lawsuits down the road before a drug even goes to market, even with a drug which should never have been on the market in the first place. They only care about profits, not human life. Conclusion: Ordinary citizens have no right to intentionally take human life, but big corporations and government do.’

Read more: Why Manufactured FEAR Is Required

The post Why Manufactured FEAR Is Required appeared first on David Icke.

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