Why MH17 Was Most Likely Shot Down by a Ukrainian Su-25 Jet

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‘Over a year has passed since Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 has been shot out of the skies by somebody, but we still don’t know the truth and all sorts of hypotheses are circulating on the Internet.

In the West, the Emperor Barak Ist decreed on the day after the actual shoot-down that the party responsible for this atrocity was, of course, the Novorussians. That is as predictable as it is irrelevant since not a shred of evidence has been presented by anybody in the West.

In contrast, the Russians did provide quite a lot of evidence, but it was all immediately dismissed without further ado. Again, this is also as predictable as it is irrelevant.’

Read more: Why MH17 Was Most Likely Shot Down by a Ukrainian Su-25 Jet

The post Why MH17 Was Most Likely Shot Down by a Ukrainian Su-25 Jet appeared first on David Icke.

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