Will the US Act To Stop the War Drive Against Russia?

The US and Russia are on a collision course towards war and the US media is failing to offer a critical analysis of why this is the case, warns Jack Hanick, an American journalist, who recently completed a two-year media project in Moscow, in a commentary published by the New York Observer on Aug. 4. In the process of doing so, he warns that Russia is ready for war and ready to bring that war to the United States, as the Bear bomber flights off the coast of California on July 4 showed.

“We are moving closer and closer to a real war. Republicans and Democrats talk tough on foreign policy towards Russia,” Hanick warns. “When all politicians are in agreement, there is no discussion of alternative approaches. Any alternative to complete isolation of Russia and a NATO build up on Russia’s borders is a sign of weakness. Any alternative to this military build up is criticized as ‘appeasement,’ likened to the failed foreign policy of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain toward Nazi Germany between 1937 and 1939.”

This is all fed, as he demonstrates earlier in the article, by the US news media which won’t critically examine the assumptions behind the war drive.

Hanick warns that the assumption that will cost us the most is the assumption that Russia, today, is just like the Soviet Union of the past, when the reality is quite different. He also notes that “Russian history is filled with invaders trying to conquer Russia,” Napoleon and Hitler being only the two most recent examples. “Russia is sure that they will repel the newest invader NATO,” he writes.

“There is still time to make a deal. More sanctions, and more isolation from the West are not the way to resolve differences,” Hanick concludes. “The US flexing its military muscle will not solve the problems. War is not the answer but too often in history becomes the only solution when two sides refuse to see the other’s point of view.”

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