Yikes! 9 Health Problems

From blood in the urine to ‘man boobs’, there are a host of signs that things aren’t quite right in the male body.

And sometimes seemingly everyday symptoms can be a sign of a more serious disease.

For example, heavy drinking may be a sign of depression, while problems performing in the bedroom is an early indicator of heart disease.

Here, experts reveal to MailOnline the nine health symptoms men should never ignore…


Could be: Heart diseaseAs a last resort, there is a simple plastic surgery operation that can be done to remove the breast tissue, but after it is explained the condition will go away on its own, most people do not opt for it.

In grown men, ‘moobs’ are a sign the testicles are not working properly.

Professor Grossman explained: ‘The pituitary gland stimulates the testicles to produce, but it can’t produce any more so it ends up making more oestrogen.’

It can also be a sign of liver disease, he added, as when the organ becomes damaged, the balance of hormones in the body changes and can cause gynaecomastia.

Men worried they are developing breasts should go to a doctor, who can feel them and see if they ar simply fatty tissue, or breast tissue.

‘The most useful test is to measure the hormone levels in the blood to see if they are imbalanced,’ Professor Grossman concluded.

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