Zepp-LaRouche on Sputnik Radio ‘Hiroshima: There was no reason for this bombing’

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Sputnik International, under the title, “US Analyst Claims Geopolitics Could Lead to Extinction of Human Race”, ran an interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on August 7, underscoring Lyndon LaRouche’s warning that a “Guns of August” scenario today would lead to a thermonuclear war.

Referring to the end of WWII, Sputnik quotes Zepp-LaRouche as saying, “There was absolutely no reason for this bombing as there was already peace negotiation between the emperor and the Vatican at that time. The bombing was done to instigate horror and awe by Truman so that he could continue the era of imperialism.”

Then, regarding the strategic situation today,

“There are many people who have been warning that the US and NATO are preparing a new war against Russia and China. There is a very serious escalation of the situation, making the month of August extremely dangerous as history shows most of the wars started in August, and the US military has changed tactic in Syria last week and the US army has gone into recess.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President of the International Schiller Institute issued a “Call to Stop the Immediate Danger of World War III!”, as a petition, earlier this week for circulation internationally.

The full interview and article with Helga can be found here.

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