10 Books That Aren’t Like Their Movies

This story was first published on The Reading Room.

Hollywood makes a habit of stealing our favorite books to make movies out of them. Sometimes that’s a good thing, like with these 20 great film adaptations, and sometimes it’s a bad one. But, for better or for worse, no book goes through the filmmaking process unchanged.

Most of us don’t mind when small details from the books are changed (though some of us do – looking at you, Lord of the Rings fans.) But when the filmmakers drastically change the story or tone of the book, things can get weird. Take these ten books, for instance, which were totally changed to suit the silver screen. If you’ve only seen the movie versions of these books, you don’t know the real story! SPOILER ALERT from here on, so proceed with caution.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s, by Truman Capote

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