23 Seniors Died After Receiving Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies

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‘Package inserts for flu vaccines show a multitude of side effects, including death, and yet they are marketed the same as over-the-counter drugs with no prescription needed. Why?

Because in the United States vaccines enjoy complete immunity from lawsuits in the market place. If you are injured or die from a vaccine, you or your family cannot sue the manufacturer of the vaccine. This law enacted by Congress, was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011.

Therefore, they are marketed with the same marketing techniques as any other high-profit product. With the baby boomer generation moving into their senior years, today’s seniors are seen as an especially lucrative market.’

Read more: 23 Seniors Died After Receiving Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies

The post 23 Seniors Died After Receiving Flu Shot Sold by Pharmacies appeared first on David Icke.

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