42 Favorable Votes in Senate Ensure Republicans in Congress Cannot Block Iran Nuclear Accord by Legal Methods; NATO Warmongers Now Seeking Clash in Chaotic Syrian Free-for-All, Where Many Nations Are Shooting in Different Directions, Making Provocations Easy to Set Up; Where US, UK, France, and Australia Pretend to Be Shooting at ISIS; Where Turkey is Shooting at Kurds; Where Assad And Hezbollah Are Fighting Terrorist Rebels; and Where Numerous Russian Advisers Are Now Giving “Serious Help” to the Syrian Military – Heightened Vigilance Needed in This Prime Time for False Flag or Gulf of Tonkin-Type Provocations by War Party; #FireAllen4ISIS ! New Hampshire Democratic Front runner Bernie Sanders Must Condemn Plans for Anti-Syria Escalation

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Wednesday, September 9, 2015

On this Tuesday after Labor Day, it has become clear that the warmonger Republicans in Congress have virtually no hope of blocking the Iran nuclear accord. Democratic Senators Wyden, Blumenthal, Peters, and Cantwell announced their support for the deal, […]

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