8 Cuts of Steak for the Average Guy

If you’re like me, you like beef. Some weeks I’ll consume a beef product every day for lunch. Beef is delicious and one of the best sources of protein and testosterone-boosting cholesterol and fat. And did I mention it’s delicious?

But if you’re also like me, you don’t want to spend that much money on food. And if you’ve been paying attention to your grocery bill, the price of beef has gone up dramatically this year.

I know a lot of guys who, when they hear the word “steak,” only think of strips, rib eyes, T-bones, and tenderloins; they think these high-end cuts constitute the entire universe of beef. Consequently, they deny themselves the enjoyment of regular steak because they think they can’t afford it.

But what if I told you can enjoy a steak that tastes nearly identical to a rib eye but is half the cost? Well it’s true, my friend.

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