A Month of World Decision Centered in Manhattan

Manhattan will be a center of gravity for the entirety of world history, during an extraordinary month which will begin with a major meeting featuring Lyndon LaRouche and prominent guests in a dialog with a Manhattan audience this Saturday, Sept 12, followed by United Nations proceedings culminating in the 70th General Assembly General Debate from Sept 28-Oct 6. On the first day of that debate, Vladimir Putin is expected to make a proposal for an effective coalition against ISIS and terrorism. Obama would address the General Assembly on the same day, Sept 28, IF he is still President then, but we have it in our hands to insure that he will no longer be President, having been removed from office by Constitutional means.

The overarching reality which has made all this possible, is the total, irretrievable bankruptcy of the Wall Street-City of London financial system in the world’s greatest-ever financial crisis, the terminal systemic breakdown-crisis of which Lyndon LaRouche has been the only economist to have warned with precision, with ever-increasing refinement since the 1960s. When Wall Street comes down, Obama comes down.

By acting boldly, implicitly with China, to form a real anti-terrorism coalition,— including Syria’s legitimately elected President,— to actually defeat ISIS, Putin has called Obama’s bluff. Will Obama force the US government to openly protect and back head-chopping terrorists against Russia? Will he pursue his love-affair with Wahhabite terrorism to the point of threatening nuclear war with Russia for the sake of ISIS? He has already moved openly in that direction during the past two weeks, since Putin’s plans become known. If he continues to do so,— as he must, given his nature as a puppet of mad Queen Elizabeth,— he can be easily and readily removed, and he must be removed, by sane elements of the US government acting under the 25th Amendment, spurred into action by the Manhattan-centered forces led by Lyndon LaRouche.

If not, the alternative would be a thermonuclear war launched by Obama against Russia and China.

A major change has suddenly taken place in world history, and we must make ourselves the transmission-belt of that change. Russia and China have decided that Obama must go. We must usher him out now.

Now we have the opportunity to replace the exploded financial bubble with a Glass-Steagall system. We will sweep the shards of all the successive Bush-Obama bailouts out of the way, and create a national credit-system for the United States. We will create a Franklin Roosevelt-style recovery, albeit under circumstances far more difficult than Roosevelt faced. Federal credit will be emitted for productive employment, through a commercial banking system purged of Wall Street’s speculative gambling. Wall Street’s skyscrapers will be converted over to productive uses, as LaRouche has said.

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