A Period of Transition for Mankind

The truly disastrous, still worsening results of the last 15 years’ Bush and Obama wars and economic crises—including perhaps 50 million refugees now fleeing war and immiseration—have now finally been met by a decisive change. To the expressed great anger of Obama operatives in the White House, State Department and the media, the primary movers of the change are Vladimir Putin’s Russia and Xi Jinping’s China, acting together, especially since their recent celebrations of the defeat of fascism in World War II 70 years ago.

Flanking the Obama drive for confrontation and even nuclear war, first in Europe and now around Syria, Putin has moved, with China, to set up a dynamic process internationally. The new dynamic includes both the possibility of ending the genocidal wars ruining the Mideast, North Africa and in the center of Europe; and the offer of a new system of economic cooperation striving for productivity and development, not geopolitical power. That dynamic is the only, though difficult, prospect for solving the crisis of millions of refugees fleeing and dying in the entire Mediterranean region.

This has been responded to by Germany, and by France, and in that context Germany changed its policy to align itself with cooperation what that process.

They recognized that the whole system they’ve been operating on, was potentially relieved by what Putin did, and what China did. It is not national; this process is a matter of change in the condition of the planet.

This new dynamic was discussed in a Sept. 12 public dialogue in Manhattan, directed toward the approaching United Nations General Assembly session, by EIR’s Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche, former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Senator Gravel immediately moved to give a packed press conference at the United Nations Sept. 14, featuring EIRSpecial Report on the BRICS dynamic, The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge. He specified to the international press: China’s offer of economic development in particular, is the solution to the wreck of U.S. foreign and economic policy under Obama.

September 12, 2015 International Schiller event featuring Lyndon & Helga LaRouche, Ramsey Clark and Mike Gravel.

The new dynamic means that Obama is in deep trouble, flanked by Putin as his Administration is belatedly realizing. As Lyndon LaRouche stated in Monday’s LPAC Policy Committee show,

“Obama is probably doomed, to be thrown out of office, one way or the other. Wall Street will be shut down. It will not be paid off. It will shut down, absolutely! Because there’s no future for Wall Street. The whole money system as it’s so far defined, as you see in the case of the British case. The British system economically is a farce; Wall Street is a farce, absolute farce.

“So we’re going to have to operate on the discovery, of agreements converging on different parties, converging on the idea of a new view of the planet as a whole. And the discussion of that process, the process as a process; don’t pay any attention to the facts, because the facts are going to change so rapidly, that they won’t count for much. We’ve already seen and experienced that ourselves. We’ve experienced it in the world as a whole. There is no fact which is fixed in this process. It’s a process.”

And we are going to have to operate on the discovery of agreement among different parties, converging on the idea of a new view of the planet as a whole.

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