Anti-ISIS Artwork Banned from ‘Free Speech’ Event After Outcry from London Police


‘Anti-ISIS artwork set to appear at a free speech event in London was banned this week after police demanded £36,000 to protect the “potentially inflammatory content.”

Initially chosen to be featured by “The Passion for Freedom” exhibition at the Mall Galleries, the display, an assortment of light box tableaux entitled “Isis Threaten Sylvania,” tells the story of the terrorist group “MICE-IS.”

“Far away, in the land of Sylvania, rabbits, foxes, hedgehogs, mice and all woodland animals have overcome their differences to live in harmonious peace and tranquility. Until Now,” London-based artist Mimsy describes. “MICE-IS, a fundamentalist Islamic terror group, are threatening to dominate Sylvania, and annihilate every species that does not submit to their hardline version of sharia law.”’

Read more: Anti-ISIS Artwork Banned from ‘Free Speech’ Event After Outcry from London Police

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