‘Anti-terrorist’ terrorists to release Shaker Aamer after 13 years without charge or trial

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The American government has become synonymous with hypocrisy and its policy of do as I say, not as I do, but the grotesque treatment of British citizen Shaker Aamer is right up there with the worse of them. He has been held against all national justice in the ‘free world’ fascist prison at Guantanamo Bay for 13 years while not a single charge has been laid against him. He has been denied sharing the childhood of his children and has never seen his youngest son Faris who was born after his imprisonment. They. too, have been denied a childhood with their father when all parties are innocent of any crime.

The United States government should be in the dock for the sheer evil it has imposed upon this family and other families and the British government deserves equal condemnation for its weak, half-hearted and pathetic efforts to have one of its own citizens released from the dastardly clutches of a so-called ally. If anyone needed confirmation that the war on terror is a sick joke then this is it.

Read more: ‘Anti-terrorist’ terrorists to release Shaker Aamer after 13 years without charge or trial

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