Born In The USA: How America Created Iran’s Nuclear Program


‘This is the story of the United States, the atom and Iran.

It’s the story of a historic nuclear agreement — a story we may be tempted to think we know. After all, Congress just finished a chaotic debate that ended when lawmakers failed to block the deal. There was no solemn national moment of decision — no up-or-down vote, as with a treaty or a war.

But this was just the latest twist in a long and complex tale that dates back more than a half-century.

“The Iranian nuclear program has deep roots. In fact, it is four years older than President Obama,” says Ali Vaez, the International Crisis Group’s senior analyst for Iran. Vaez grew up in Iran, which means the nuclear program is a personal story for him.’

Read more: Born In The USA: How America Created Iran’s Nuclear Program

The post Born In The USA: How America Created Iran’s Nuclear Program appeared first on David Icke.

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