Bye, Bye Megyn

I’ve written a number of times about the sad ending of my love affair with Glenn Beck, the most talented person ever to grace a television screen. Today, I find him to be such a turnoff that I’m tempted to mute him when he occasionally appears as a second-rate guest on someone’s show.

Beck’s fall from grace can be traced directly to a dinosaur-sized ego that knows no bounds. No amount of love or admiration can satisfy his insatiable need for adoration. As result, he’s completely incapable of sticking to a single, successful format, because he’s driven to repeatedly come up with something newer and more spectacular to amaze his devoted fan base.

shirting the former Miss Virginia and Miss Florida for far too long, and Megyn the Malevolent would be wise to be looking over her shoulder instead throwing left hooks at Republican candidates.

Barack Obama may very well have been born in this country, and he may very well not be a Muslim. That’s not the point. The question is, how does Megyn the Malevolent know for certain that either of those things are facts? Has she seen theoriginal of his birth certificate? Does he attend her church?

Given that Washington is saturated with criminal activity, the last thing in the world I care about is where Barack Obama was born or what his religion is. But what I do care about is a second-rate journalist taking it upon herself to demand that a third party denounce anyone who states an opinion that is contrary to her beliefs. If someone were to claim that Mike Huckabee was not a Christian, I wonder if she would demand that that person (or some third party!) denounce such a statement.

But maybe I’m taking it all too seriously. After all, both television and politics are nothing more than an ongoing series of bad jokes. I realize that it’s much easier for the media to focus on silly stuff rather than the economy, ISIS, Putin, the Iran nuclear agreement, Benghazi, Hillary’s endless and ongoing criminal activities, skyrocketing black-on-black crime, a bankrupt Social Security system, a national debt that can never be repaid, etc.

Many believe that it’s just a simple matter of ignorance on Kelly’s part, and, if so, I’d be inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt and just write it off to arrogance of the ignorant. In any event, as she continues to make her way toward the exit door at Fox, the thought has crossed my mind that perhaps Bill Ayres was right — perhaps Megyn the Malevolent really is a cyborg constructed in the basement of Fox News.

Purportedly, this is what she looked like right after Roger Ailes threw the switch on that fateful night in the basement of Fox News and brought the Malevolent Megyn cyborg to life — already decked out in her WWE outfit and ready to do battle with the Donald Trumps of the world: Birth of a Cyborg.

Reprinted with permission from Robert Ringer.

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