California Freeway Battleground. Sniper on Police Helicopter Opens Fire on Vehicle

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‘Snipers shooting enemy combatants from a helicopter is a normal occurrence for soldiers engaged in a combat zone, but this is exactly what occurred on September 18,2015 in San Bernardino County in California. Police were pursuing a suspect on the 215 freeway who was traveling against traffic.

That is when a sniper aboard a police helicopter opened fire on the vehicle which resulted in the suspect’s vehicle colliding head first onto an oncoming vehicle. [1] San Bernardino County Sheriff Department’s spokeswoman stated that the suspect was “threatening the public” which served as justification for the shooting. However, there has not been a “published legal decision testing officers’ ability to use that specific tactic” according to law enforcement legal counselor, Deputy Ed Obayashi.’

Read more: California Freeway Battleground. Sniper on Police Helicopter Opens Fire on Vehicle

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