Cameron now Climbs into Bed with War Criminal Netanyahu

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‘British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has replaced deposed Egyptian leader, Hosni Mubarak, as Netanyahu’s new sleeping partner notwithstanding Israel’s documented killing of more than 2000 civilians, including hundreds of children, in Gaza, in 2014, ­ killings now alleged to be war crimes

Binyamin Netanyahu was previously in bed with the former President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak ­ now in prison. Both were paid millions of dollars by the United States government to implement and maintain an inhumane blockade of essential goods into Gaza, under the pretext of arms control. This blockade was, and still is, intended to keep 1.8 million men, women and children at just under subsistence level in a, so far, failed attempt to effect a regime change in Gaza.

Netanyahu is, of course, a proponent of the political Zionism movement whose charter requires the expropriation of all the land of former Palestine in order to achieve a ‘Greater Israel’ through the ethnic­ cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian Arab who has lived in the region for a millennium.’

Read more: Cameron now Climbs into Bed with War Criminal Netanyahu

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