City Intentionally Endangered School Kids with Illegal Traffic Signs so Cops Could Write More Tickets

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‘An investigation by 10 News found that city officials in St. Petersburg intentionally used non-compliant road signage in school zones, putting children’s safety at risk, so they could write more tickets and collect revenue.

No bureaucrats will get in trouble for this affront, and no citizen will be refunded their tickets issued through unlawfulness and deception.

“Despite years of warnings and official requests, it took questions from 10 Investigates to get St. Petersburg city employees to correct dangerous lapses in street signage designed to warn drivers they are approaching school crossings. Meanwhile, the city’s police department has aggressively enforced the reduced-speed zones like no other city in Tampa Bay, likely writing thousands of improper tickets.’

Read more: City Intentionally Endangered School Kids with Illegal Traffic Signs so Cops Could Write More Tickets

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