Congressional Warmongers Fail to Block Iran Nuclear Accord, but Poison Pills Remain; Neocons Still Seeking Confrontation with Russia in Syria and Ukraine; Lavrov Calls for Defense of Civilization vs. ISIS; UK Scribblers Scapegoat US Spy Chief Clapper and CENTCOM Commander Gen. Austin to Shield ISIS Czar Allen from Charges His Networks Faked The Intel; #FireAllen4ISIS!; House GOP Crazies Act Out Bizarre Ritual, Threaten Leadership Coup, Government Shutdown October 1, and US Default on National Debt in November;

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Saturday, September 12, 2015 Also: Get ready for COINTELPRO 2.0: fourteen years after 9/11, US police state has millions of surveillance role players with 78 fusion centers and 250 privatized law enforcement information units (LEIUs) and red squads mobbing and swarming independent organizations […]

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