Ditch the Republican Debates

Like you, I am getting many emails and posts asking me “Who won the debate?”     It’s premise-checking time, for sure.  There hasn’t been a real honest debate on television between politicians, ever.

As many have pointed out, there is certainly no such thing as a debate between 10 people.  But we do have some great models, pardon the pun, for such a competition, and Donald Trump actually could help with this.

The beauty contest system is a really good one, whether for a Miss America or one of those that little Honey Boo Boo used to participate in.  

We need a combination of problem solving – under severe stress — as well as demonstration of physical strength and courage.  Instead of the hosts we have seen in the fake debates, Steve Austin ought to oversee the competition.

For problem solving, we will certainly need to deal with real problems the country faces?  The 47% who live off the 53%? What about the fat cats at the top with political power brokers and the Fed in their pocket – can we eat them, would it be healthy, and what happens next?  Questions of monetary policy, a free market versus market fascism, how people feel about their “rulers” and what about war against the weak, and not so weak?  Terrorism is a popular (who will use it, who will have it used on them?) and rule prohibition of a whole array of behaviors (and the sheer hypocrisy and whispered rationalizations on secret video) will serve the American viewing public well.   Interlopers and defections from one group to another as fortunes change will also reveal character and talent.

karen head shot benchIn terms of physical competition, why not have a golf tournament set up as a naked geo-caching race over rough terrain, using homemade clubs, with no food and drink!   This alone would ensure that the next president appreciates the many fine golf opportunities to come.

Each week, we finish off one of them, until the last man or woman is left standing.  This winner will be the wiliest one, the luckiest one, the one most likely to keep him or herself alive by working with others and having a fundamental skill set.  That most of these candidates are sociopathic goes without saying — their track record up to this point predicts this, and a little sociopathy can’t be all bad, right?  In any case, it makes for a gripping reality series, one that will engage the population, and give us all something to think about, talk about, and keep up with.  It will bring us together as a nation.  You’re welcome!

What do you say?  Help me hawk my idea to the networks!  But for now, I’m voting for the beauty queen who drives a digger.

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