Do You Know Fugu From Pho?

Have you clocked up ten Michelin stars when eating out or regularly throw dinner parties where you serve intricate meals for 20 plus people?

With everybody who eats a food-truck burger considering themselves a gastronome these days, a new breed of expert has emerged; the Ultimate Foodie.

As well as being accomplished in the kitchen, this know-it-all food fan owns expensive cooking equipment and has spent more on knives than on their first car. 

Bruno Loubet, Head Chef of Grain Store and Consultant Chef to La Maison Maille said to FEMAIL: ‘These days everyone considers themselves a foodie – with one in ten Britons claiming the title.

‘From cookery shows to celebrity cookbooks, we’re a food obsessed nation. But Ultimate Foodies are taking it a step further, and I’m proud to say I’m one of them.

Research conducted by Maille revealed that Ultimate Foodies cook two thirds (66 per cent) of their meals from scratch at home, spending nearly 10 hours (9 hours 54 minutes) in the kitchen each week, 2.5 hours longer than the national average.

When they’re not cooking, Ultimate Foodies eat out on average six times a month, 50 per cent more than average, and spend £119 a month eating out, nearly double the national average (£64.80).

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