Drug industry created ‘female sexual dysfunction’ just to sell more high-profit drugs to women they won’t help

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‘One of the major roadblocks to achieving wellness is the diagnosis mindset. People who seek out diagnoses for things like social anxiety or an overactive bladder are quick to identify with fictional labels created by drug makers. By identifying with the label and accepting the power that illness has over them, patients are ceding control of their thoughts and emotions, allowing simple imbalances to take charge over them and persist.

These fictional diagnoses create a template of acceptance inside a person, directing their thoughts and feelings toward a victim mentality. Under the spell of the diagnosis, a patient is quick to submit to a prescription drug regimen that never gets to the heart of the problem and always causes more imbalances (in the form of side effects). On top of that, the newly accepted medical condition might be used for attention or to gain sympathy from others. In this way, a simple imbalance or nutrient deficiency becomes mistaken for a full-blown medical condition that is used to define a person and keep them in a state of needing more pills, more medical attention, and more medical “advice.”‘

Read more: Drug industry created ‘female sexual dysfunction’ just to sell more high-profit drugs to women they won’t help

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