Enemies of the Bill of Rights

Conservatives are once again having a field day over a video produced by conservative media analyst Mark Dice.

Back in 2013, Dice released a video of him asking Obama supporters to sign a petition to repeal the Bill of Rights. Almost everyone he asked signed the petition.

Now Dice has released a new video of him asking supporters of Hillary Clinton if they agree with her plan to repeal the Bill of Rights. There is no such plan, of course, but the video shows person after person agreeing that it would be a good idea to repeal the Bill of Rights.

The videos demonstrate the blind support that many Democrats have for Obama and Clinton and the ignorance that the typical American has regarding his own government and its Constitution. Reminds me of the blind support that many Republicans had for Bush and his wars.

Republicans say they believe in the Constitution and the Second Amendment, yet they support the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, the existence of the ATF, and most federal gun laws.

Republicans say they believe in the Constitution and the Fourth Amendment, yet they support the NSA, TSA, and the Patriot Act that eviscerate the Fourth Amendment.

Republicans say they believe in the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment, yet they support federal aid to education, federal farm subsidies, federal welfare programs, a federal war on drugs, federal refundable tax credits, federal student loans, federal Pell grants, federal foreign aid payments, federal unemployment benefits, federal health care, federal health insurance, federal gambling laws, federal discrimination laws, federal funding of school lunches, and a federal food stamp program. If any of these things are to exist—and I don’t believe any of them should—they should exist only on the state level. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that authorizes their existence on the federal level.

This means that Republicans are more evil, more crooked, and more dangerous than Democrats because, although they are not stupid enough to agree with an interviewer that the Bill of Rights should be repealed—even though they are members of what the late Sam Francis called the stupid party—they don’t follow the very Constitution they profess to believe.

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