Europe, Reeling Under Refugee Flow, Breaks with Absurd US Exclusion of Assad and Putin from Anti-ISIS Effort; Merkel Says No Syrian Solution Without Moscow; France and Germany Cooperating with Russia to Defeat Terrorists, Reduce Refugee Tide; Austria and Spain Welcome Moscow’s Role; Steinmeyer, Fabius, Lavrov Meet in Berlin Saturday; ISIS Czar Allen Rushes to London and Copenhagen to Save His Bankrupt Phony War Policy;

Danger Grows in Syrian Mêlée: Obama Blusters that Russian Strategy is “Doomed to Failure;” Russia’s Lavrov Calls for Military Liaison To Avoid “Undesired, Unintended Incidents”; Moscow Deploys SA-22 Greyhound Missiles, Five Warships Plus Submarines on Maneuvers off Tartus; 200 Marines Ready Russian Airbase Near Latakia for Putin’s UN General Assembly Speech, September 28[i] United Front […]

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